Participants -
+ Kingston University
+ Kingston College
A charette run in conjunction with Kingston Councils K+20 Action Plan. Ran over three phases, proposals were selected at each phase to continue. Each phase was a week long.
K+20 here
Click images to view my submission.
Phase one was exhibited at the Studio. Everyone across the undergraduate landscape course exhibited. Proposals were selected by tutors to move onto the next phase.
Click images to view my submission.
The brief at this phase defined the site as Kingston College roundabout. A site that the K+20 plan designated a key gateway for Kingston.
Phase two was exhibited at Market House, central Kingston. This was an opportunity for the public to vote for proposals from Kingston University and Kingston College.
The exhibition.
Local press release here
PHASE THREEClick image to view my submission.
Phase three was initially critiqued at Kingston University to allow us to verbally communicate our work to students and tutors but also to members of the council. Frances Moseley Design champion for Kingston, Colin Bloxham from Kingston Arts panel and Richard McFarland civil engineer. The work was moved to Kingston College for private exhibition. The results are as yet unknown...
The exhibition. Sods law that camera ran out of batteries, so grainy phone pictures.
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